Spring has sprung and in spite of the crazy up and down temperatures we have been able to enjoy the outdoors and the kids have been observing lots of seasonal changes in the world around us. They have been taking notice of the weather changes, the plants, trees, and flowers starting to grow again. The children were very excited to plant some flower seeds and are anxiously watching them grow. We also planted “egg heads” by decorating egg shells with faces then filling them with soil and planting grass seed. We’ve had lots of discussions about seeds, stems, leaves and flowers. They are also requesting that we plant some sunflowers. Which will be a project for next week.

The children also recently expressed an interest in talking about our bodies. Many of them chose to make “inside/out” t-shirts by sponge painting some of our internal organs on the front. They were fascinated with the jobs that they each do and we had some great discussions about the heart, lungs, stomach, intestine, kidneys, and bladder. One of our friends even went home and asked her mother, “If they don’t look like kids and they don’t have knees then why are they called Kidneys?” Comments like this one make us smile and remind us just how literal children are in their thinking.

With the warmer temperatures also comes bugs. Insects and spiders always hold lots of fascination for children. They have been noticing many bugs outside from bees and butterflies to ants and wasps. Some have them have even been showing off their new bug bites to their friends. We will be exploring the world of bugs more in the next couple weeks with stories, songs, art and science.


Since our new playground has little shade it is important that we take extra precaution that the children are not over exposed to the sun. If they have a light weight sunhat to wear outdoors please send it to school. Get in the habit of applying sunscreen when dressing each morning and we will be applying before exposure.


With the warmer weather upon us we are in need of some supplies any donations would be greatly appreciated!!

*Sunscreen ( spray type works best)

* bug repellant

*ice pops for special treats


*wet wipes for sticky faces


A copy of our Emergency/Disaster Plan is located in the front by  the “attendance binder” for parents to review. If you would like a copy emailed to you please email Ann at

homeawayfromhomeccc@yahoo.com and it will be sent to you.

Staff recently completed CPR and First Aid Classes to better prepare everyone to handle all potential types of emergencies.


Beginning Steps Early Learning Center

Dear Families, We have noticed that everyone at school does not have extra clothes. Each child needs a change of clothes appropriate for the season in their cubbie labeled with their name.

Every child also needs a hat and gloves to go outside. State licensing rules state that we are required to go outside for an hour each day.

What’s new…

For the last two weeks we have been concentration on a book a week and tailoring our activities around what is happening in the book. This next week we will talk about Moon Shadow, By: Frank Asch.

Then we will talk about Brown Bear Brown Bear what do you see? On Wednesday Feb. 8th Please bring in a teddy bear. We will be going on a bear hunt:).

During the week of Brown Bear Brown Bear ( Feb. 6-10 ) we will be sending home a literacy bag. In this bag there will be a book to read and and activity to do. If you do not wish to be responsible for bringing the bag back please let a teacher know that your family is not interested.

We will also be having a small Valentines party for our class. It will be at 10 am on Tuesday Feb. 14th. Please watch the door for a sign up

sheet. If you wish to you can also bring in valentines to pass out. You can either write them to a “friend” or we can provide you with a list .

New Year 2012

Sleep: Did you know that your child needs over 10 hours of sleep!

If your child is 4-12 months they need 14 to 15 hours of total sleep. If your child is 1 to 3 years old they need 12-14 hours of total sleep. If your child is 3 to 6 years old they need 10 to 12 hours of total sleep.

When your child does not get enough sleep their development suffers. They have a harder time concentrating and accomplishing tasks. Lack of sleep also makes bed time a struggle because they get over tired.

Please fill out the attached sheet on sleep habits so that we know more about your child and can help them reach their full potential.


Everyone needs a Blanket for Nap time!

Tuition is Due on Friday for the next week, if not paid by Monday at closing $10 is added if not paid by Tuesday at closing $15 is added. If any balance is carried over week to week then 10% is added weekly till paid in full.


accurate attendance is a must!

If you have any questions or concerns please let me know.


Ms. Abbie

January News and Notes,2011

Welcome to 2011..

It appears we have all survived the Holidays with minimal stress and hopefully a few smiles. Best wishes go to all for a Happy and Healthy New Year.

With winter in full swing…

Please remember to send your child to school every day prepared for outside play. They benefit greatly from the fresh air and sunshine but don’t enjoy it much if they are cold and uncomfortable. Missouri State child care licensing requires a minimum of 1 hour outside play daily unless there are extreme heat or cold warnings or rain. They will need hats, gloves, a warm coat, and boots in the event of snow. If they will be playing in the snow they will also need a change of clothes because they will most likely get wet. Please help us make outside time a positive learning time.

As we start off with a BOOM, BOOM, BOOM…

We are reminded that children really are fascinated by those large extinct monsters we know as dinosaurs. They love and seem to retain amazing information and vocabulary about them including their many long names and facts like some are carnivores while others are herbivores and other yet are omnivores. They also love talking about just how big they really were. How some could fly and some could swim, while others you could hear walking a mile away. What would our world be like today if these enormous creatures were still alive?

Excerpt from: For Parents Only: Teaching Your Child Through Play By Carolyn Tomlin, M.Ed.

Emotional and Social
Emotional and social benefits come when children in play situations are force to consider the viewpoints of their playmates. Although most parents are not trained as play therapists, they can be aware of how children explore different emotions (anger, sadness, and so on) and various social roles in play. Parents can help in the following ways:

If a stressful situation has occurred, talk about and help the child re-enact through play. For example, a tornado has touched down in your area. Replay, getting in a safe place when a siren is sounded. Use caution about over-reacting, but allow the child to talk about her fears and act out activities related to the event.
• Use “what-if” situations for teaching. Ask your child, “How would you feel is a bully took your lunch? What could you do? What would you say to a friend whose pet was lost?
• Provide one less toy than children. Allow the children to decide who gets the toys and who has to wait their turn. Observe children who need more practice in sharing.
• Provide ways to act out feelings through art, music, or dance. Provide paper and crayons and ask the child to draw how they feel, such as moving to a new community? Or, when they have a birthday?
• Play board games together as a family. Teach your child that in many games there are loses and winners. Also, look for games where the object is not “winning or losing” but simply the fun of playing.

One thing that is consistent in life is change…

Here at school we have seen old friends and teachers move on, new friends and teachers join us. What can we do as adults to help children weather the change?

Giving Kids Time

No one can absorb the full implications of a change overnight, so expecting children to fly through changes is unrealistic. Instead, parents should expect to give their kids time to understand what is happening, what it will mean for them, what it will mean for the family and how it will change their lives and/or routines.

While adults may be able to work through these possibilities logically, children usually need to experience them to understand them. Parents can help children with these lessons by talking with them every step of the way and ensuring that children understand all of the implications of the changes.

Setting Clear Boundaries

Children like boundaries, and maintaining a sense of order during an upheaval in their lives will help them feel as though they still retain some control and they still have a routine to follow. This usually helps children stay calmer as they know what to expect and what is expected of them.

As we all manage to adjust to the many changes here at Home Away From Home we prepare to say goodbye to some friends moving on to Kindergarten or other experiences. Best wishes to all and feel free to stop by for a visit and a hug sometime.

I hope all of our families are quickly getting to know our new staff as they have been trying diligently to get to know the children and their unique personalities and strengths. Within the next couple of weeks we will also be welcoming some new friends to the group. Thanks for welcoming everyone and making these transitions as painless as possible. If you have any friends in need of child care please refer them. Unfortunately we have some spaces for children that need to be filled. If you refer some one and they sign up their child you will receive a credit of $10 per day that they enroll for. ( Full time = $50) This offer is for  families with children already enrolled.

Here at Home Away From Home and in my personal life I value good manners and courtesy. Well-mannered children today are, sadly, a rarity. By well-mannered, I do not necessarily mean children that are “seen and not heard” – this certainly has never been an expectation of mine with my own daughters! However, teaching children to say their “pleases” and “thank yous” as well as the other myriad of manners that used to be more common in everyday society will serve your child well through out life, and if everyone did it, would certainly lead toward a more courteous and respectful culture than we currently experience.

Parent modeling is certainly the most important factor in teaching manners to children. Start in the home – when asking your spouse or partner, or your kids, to do something, say please, and phrase the request courteously. Show your appreciation even for everyday tasks with acknowledgement and a heartfelt thank you (which should be returned with a hearty “your welcome!). Comment on a meal well-made or a room well-cleaned. Say excuse me when asking for someone’s attention rather than just calling out their name. Offer an excuse me or pardon me when stepping around someone.

How do we reinforce manner and courtesy at HAFHCCC? We greet the children by name daily. This lets them know they are a valued part of our community. At meals and snacks the children come to the table and wait with their hands in their laps for all their friends before we sing and then eat. When a conflict arises between the children, which is a normal part of life, we encourage them to work it out by using their words and negotiating a solution. We ultimately want children to express their needs and wants in an effective and polite way so we model and require please and thank yous before responding to requests. These are skills that children learn quickly when they see and here adults and peers using them successfully.

This month at HAFHCCC we will be discussing our similarities and differences. We all have families but how are they the same and how are they different. We all have hair, a body, eyes, and likes and dislikes yet they are not the same. Learning to respect and cherish these differences is an important thing for children. Please send 4-5 family pictures with your child the week of August 23rd. They can be pictures of family members or pets or any thing else that is important to your child. These will be used to make an up to date family collage for the child’s cubby.

Any Donations of the following would be greatly appreciated and would be of help in keeping costs down.

Washable broad markers

Glue Sticks

Mosquito repellent

Ice pops

Masking tape

Hot, Hot, Hot

This has been an extremely hot summer and therefore has restricted our outside time somewhat. Water days , of course have been a welcomed part of our weeks and the children really enjoy getting wet and messy outdoors. They especially enjoy getting the teachers wet as well and we don’t mind either. Thanks to all our parents that have insured that their children are properly prepared for water days. We are quickly depleting our supply of Mosquito repellent and would appreciate any donations. Thanks to the Pulliam-Miletello family for the ice pops and to the Kaplan family for the sidewalk chalk.

Spring is here!!!

After a cold, wet, and miserable winter that had many of us fighting off colds and flu we have made it to spring. The children are finally recovering from the daylight savings time change and we are all looking forward to sunny warm weather, which we have had a taste of over the past few days. Warmer weather gives us many opportunities at school to experience the natural world around us and even to bring it indoors. This week for group time we “planted” some Daffodil bulbs in glass pebbles and water. The “forcing” of these bulbs indoors this way will allow the children to witness day to day their progress and even see the roots as they grow downward through the pebbles.

We also completed our licensing renewal visit this week and once the weather warms and needed painting can be completed outdoors our re-licensing will be issued without any lapse in services.

On Saturday, April 10th, we will once again be welcoming the Maplewood Fire department as they come to offer first aid and CPR class for staff and interested parents. Any parents that are interested need to sign up as space will be limited.

October News and Notes

Now that fall is officially here there will be lots of great things to talk about. The children have been taking notice of all the changes happening as we transition into fall: temperature and weather, leaves changing and falling off trees, squirrels gathering walnuts, and the need to wear warmer clothes. Please be sure your child’s cubbie is stocked with extra clothes appropriate to the weather and that they come prepared to play outdoors with a jacket or whatever they need to be comfortable outdoors.

Traditionally fall is the time of harvest as families would harvest fall crops and store them for the long winter ahead. Apples, pumpkins and squash are just a few things that are plentiful this time of year. The children will have opportunities this month to compare these different fruits and vegetables, cook with them and taste them. Pumpkin pie, applesauce, and baked squash are just a few things we will be making as a class. On Friday October 16th we will be having a scheduled “Show and Share” day. We would like the children to bring in something that reminds them of fall. Be creative, what do you think of when you think of fall? This is a great opportunity to have a discussion with your child about what fall means to you.

As in the past we have been invited to bring the children Trick or Treating to the Sunnen Business Park on Friday October 30th. We would love to have some parents accompany us. Let us know if you would like to join the group. We will be leaving school by 9:30 and returning by 11:30.

Parents can now access ordering online or return orders to school with a check, made payable to Scholastic. Orders will still be delivered to school. All online orders earn the class a free book. All orders are due by Wednesday, 10/07.


  • With children walking to cars in the parking lot they sometimes have been known to stray from the sight of their supervising adult. Please observe caution when driving into the parking lot by taking it slow and watching out for our precious young ones!!
  • Tuition is due on Friday for the following week. Late fees will be accessed if not paid by closing on Tuesday.
  • Please remember that the health policies outlined in your parent handbook are also State Licensing Guidelines meant to help insure the health and safety of all the children and staff. With all the press about the upcoming flu season please be extra observant of your child’s wellness or lack thereof and keep them home if there is any possibility that they are contagious. This will help to safe guard the children and keep the staff healthy so they do not miss time due to illness.

Missouri Early Childhood Standards

As we plan each day’s activities and experiences  we keep in mind many things; individual development, likes, dislikes, strengths, weaknesses, age and cultural background. When we plan activities that correspond to the children’s  interests the information is more meaningful to them. There are many tools we use in planning for children. One important tool is Missouri’s Early Childhood Standards which were developed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education: Missouri Early Childhood Standards. These outline in an easy to understand format what children need to know when entering Kindergarten. They are organized into different areas of development: Literacy, Math, Social/Emotional, Science, and Physical Growth, Health and Safety. Each has a teacher’s guide and a parent ‘s guide.

Have you ever wondered what that piece of paper covered in paint really is and why your child did it? During this time of development children learn through their senses. They will often make what we might consider a “mess” in an attempt to explore and make sense of their world. Most of the art done at school is planned keeping this in mind. For children the PROCESS IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE PRODUCT. This means simply that the act of mixing materials and seeing them change is more meaningful for a child than making that perfect picture. So as a parent what can you do to reinforce this learning? When that picture comes home, have a conversation with them. “Wow,  Look at all the colors you used!” , ” Can you tell me how you made this?”, ” I can tell you worked really worked hard on this!” Giving your child a special place to display their art work also helps them to take pride in the work they’ve done and see that you are proud as well.

Beginning Steps Early Learning Center

Home Away From Home is starting a sister company is Bourbon MO, we will be similar in size to HAFH offering  care for 6 week to 6 year olds. Check back soon for more information. Or call 314-644-2425 Ask for Ann or Abbie.