Spring has sprung and in spite of the crazy up and down temperatures we have been able to enjoy the outdoors and the kids have been observing lots of seasonal changes in the world around us. They have been taking notice of the weather changes, the plants, trees, and flowers starting to grow again. The children were very excited to plant some flower seeds and are anxiously watching them grow. We also planted “egg heads” by decorating egg shells with faces then filling them with soil and planting grass seed. We’ve had lots of discussions about seeds, stems, leaves and flowers. They are also requesting that we plant some sunflowers. Which will be a project for next week.

The children also recently expressed an interest in talking about our bodies. Many of them chose to make “inside/out” t-shirts by sponge painting some of our internal organs on the front. They were fascinated with the jobs that they each do and we had some great discussions about the heart, lungs, stomach, intestine, kidneys, and bladder. One of our friends even went home and asked her mother, “If they don’t look like kids and they don’t have knees then why are they called Kidneys?” Comments like this one make us smile and remind us just how literal children are in their thinking.

With the warmer temperatures also comes bugs. Insects and spiders always hold lots of fascination for children. They have been noticing many bugs outside from bees and butterflies to ants and wasps. Some have them have even been showing off their new bug bites to their friends. We will be exploring the world of bugs more in the next couple weeks with stories, songs, art and science.


Since our new playground has little shade it is important that we take extra precaution that the children are not over exposed to the sun. If they have a light weight sunhat to wear outdoors please send it to school. Get in the habit of applying sunscreen when dressing each morning and we will be applying before exposure.


With the warmer weather upon us we are in need of some supplies any donations would be greatly appreciated!!

*Sunscreen ( spray type works best)

* bug repellant

*ice pops for special treats


*wet wipes for sticky faces


A copy of our Emergency/Disaster Plan is located in the front by  the “attendance binder” for parents to review. If you would like a copy emailed to you please email Ann at

homeawayfromhomeccc@yahoo.com and it will be sent to you.

Staff recently completed CPR and First Aid Classes to better prepare everyone to handle all potential types of emergencies.