Tag: parents

Parent Teacher Conferences

Parents- Please Check your cubby for a reminder about you assigned conference  time. Thanks – Ms. Abbie

Valentines Day

Thanks to all the parents who brought things in for Valentines Day. I was told that all of the kids had fun.


Dear Parents, As you may know we have a confirmed case of strep that was sent home last week. Please keep an eye on your child for the following symptoms.

  • Severe and sudden sore throat without coughing, sneezing, or other cold symptoms.
  • Pain or difficulty with swallowing.
  • Fever over 101F. Lower fevers may indicate a viral infection and not strep.
  • Swollen lymph nodes in the neck.
  • White or yellow spots or coating on the throat and tonsils.
  • Bright red throat or dark red spots on the roof of the mouth at the back near the throat.
  • Swollen tonsils, although this symptom may also be caused by a viral infection.

We have also had many friends with running noses and coughs. Please remember the 24 hour fever policy.

Thanks for everything– Ms. Abbie

Snowy Weather

Dear Parents,

Today many of our friends wanted to go outside but were ill equipped to do so. Please make sure that your child has ALL of the following in order to go outside on snowy days. Coat, Hat, Gloves or Mittens, extra pants to change into after they get wet, boots or extra shoes and socks. We must have ALL of these things in order to make winter outside fun and not dreadful. If you need help providing any of these please let us know and we will try to help out as much as possible.

Ms. Abbie