Winter is Here? No it’s not , Yes! Winters here, No it’s not?

With the up and down in temperatures it’s easy to appreciate the mild winter and the many chances to get outdoors. Likewise many would say that a lack of cold temperatures also allows germs to flourish. It has to make us wonder is that what we have been seeing this week. Please know that we are doing all we can to keep everyone healthy and safe everyday. We make every effort possible to get some fresh air daily. You as parents can help us by making sure your child comes prepared for outside play everyday. This means clothing appropriate to the weather including warm coats, gloves, coats, and snow pants and boots if there is snow on the ground.

Also of great importance is proper hand washing. The children and staff routinely wash their hands after toileting or diaper changes, after they wipe noses, sneeze or cough in their hands and before eating or handling food. We’ve also made extra effort to wash and sanitize toys more frequently to minimize the spread of germs. As Parents we ask that you help us observe the following guidelines and regulations to help keep your children as healthy as possible. These are taken directly from Missouri state child care licensing regulations and can also be found in the HAFHCCC Parent Handbook.

The parent(s) or his/her designee shall be contacted when signs of illness are observed. Unless determined otherwise by the parent(s) or provider, a child with no more than one (1) of the following symptoms may remain in care: 1. A child with a temperature of up to one hundred degrees Fahrenheit (100°F) by mouth or ninety-nine degrees Fahrenheit (99°F) under the arm; 2. After an illness has been evaluated by a physician, medication has been prescribed and any period of contagion has passed as determined by a licensed physician; 3. When it has been determined that a child has a common cold unless the director and the parent(s) agree that isolation precautions should be taken; 4. When a child has vomited once with no further vomiting episodes, other symptoms, or both; or 5. When a child has experienced loose stools only one (1) time with no further problems or symptoms.

(E) If children exhibit any of the following symptoms, they must be sent/kept home: 1. Diarrhea—more than one (1) abnormally loose stool. If a child has one (1) loose stool, s/he shall be observed for additional loose stools or other symptoms; 2. Severe coughing—if the child gets red or blue in the face or makes high-pitched croupy or whooping sounds after coughing; 3. Difficult or rapid breathing (especially important in infants under six (6) months); 4. Yellowish skin or eyes; 5. Pinkeye—tears, redness of eyelid lining, irritation, followed by swelling or discharge of pus; 6. Unusual spots or rashes; 7. Sore throat or trouble swallowing; 8. An infected skin patch(es)—crusty, bright yellow, dry or gummy areas of the skin; 9. Unusually dark, tea-colored urine; 10. Grey or white stool; 11. Fever over one hundred degrees Fahrenheit (100°F) by mouth or ninety-nine degrees Fahrenheit (99°F) under the arm; 12. Headache and stiff neck; 13. Vomiting more than once; and 14. Severe itching of the body or scalp, or scratching of the scalp. These may be symptoms of lice or scabies.

Unfortunately sometimes children start out their day feeling fine only to quickly decline. In the event that this should happen while a child is in our care you will be called to pick them up ASAP. Since symptoms and fever may sometimes temporarily diminish only to return hours later (in the meantime the child is still contagious) HAFH asks that parents keep their children home till fever and symptom free for 24 hours. Thanks for your assistance. We do appreciate and respect the inconvenience this can cause for families. By doing our best to keep everyone healthy we can hopefully minimize the inconvenience to families.